Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Anybody having a sweet tooth would die for this sweet. The most beloved after Gulab Jamun and Carrot Halwa, this is indispensible during Diwali or any special ocassion.

I had a special ocassion too. I made this as a return gift for my aunt in France. (one of my cake baking Guru). She is a lovely lady to have sent me so many baking paraphenalia all the way from France that i thought, it would be embarassing for me to thank her empty handed. So i made a lot of this and am still waiting for her review.

Will keep ya posted

Sunday, March 13, 2011


This is the other baby which was drooled upon. I got extremely astounding feedback on this cake. It was very well received and well it tasted "OUT OF THE WORLD"...


Women's Day was a very special day for me this year. I had a request to bake some goodies on this day for a promotional event and the response was overwhelming. The brownies were too good and made me proud in front of my friends. Who can resist it..

Thursday, March 10, 2011


The ultimate cake for any cake lover. This is a simple chocolate cake with rich ganache frosting. I made this cake for A's friend and she liked it very much.The cake was very moist with a tender crumb. But the frosting was not perfect, i have to hone my frosting skills to have a smooth finish. Other than that, i achieved some success with the mirror effect of the galze. (i could see my face on the cake, once it had set).

All around, this cake was a success and i will try this again.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Now that the cheesecake was a massive hit, i was confident enough to venture into a less known version of cheese cake. "Mini Ricotta Cheesecake".

Ricotta is the european version of our indian panner, and is mostly savoured by italians.(they are the pioneers in cheesemaking)

The recipe doesnt change much only that the creamcheese is substituted with ricotta; the batter was poured into mini muffin pans lined with paper liners and these babies were ready.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I dedicate this blog to my amma, appa and my sister A who encouraged me to start this blog.

After so many days of preparations and delays, i decided to post an entry into my blog. As everything begins on a sweet note. so my first entry is "Cheese cake".
Equipped with a small oven and 3 pairs of helping hands, i am about to devour into the world of baking and record my musings here.

A chef friend of mine wanted me to try out this cake for him for a teen crowd among whom this delicacy was very popular. When i read through the recipe it was quite easy to prepare, but required some skill while baking. After scouring through many sites and cook books i decided on nigella's recipe, but, i could not find cream cheese in my local super market; Came Google to the rescue, and i made my own cream cheese. My friend liked it very much and told me to bake it a little more (unlike what nigella said) to bake it a little longer untill there is a golden hue on the top. Other wise he liked it very much.
This is my first trophy.. rest to follow......

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